Steve Dain Drive

Ink and digital, 2021
Steve Dain Drive was a comic about trans man Steve Dain that I wrote and drew for The Believer’s digital comic platform Logger. 

View the full published comic here.

Walker (W.T.)

Upcoming Graphic Novel
Walker is a graphic novel slated for publication by Holt Young Adult in 2024. It follows the story of two young people searching for a fictional cryptid called the Plains Walker.

The original concept for Walker was based on my thesis project in 2017, which you can find below.

Original Concepts & Pages for Walker

Unversed Volume 2

Anthology, 2018
Unversed were a series of Anthologies published by students & graduates of PNCA. 

Unversed Volume 3

Anthology, 2019
Unversed Volume 3 was the last of three anthologies published by current & former comics students at PNCA. The prompt this time was “”.


Delver was a series published by comiXology in collaboration with Iron Circus comics. I was the artist on the series for two five issue Volumes.